Bite By Bite: American History Through Feasts, Foods and Side Dishes


Plot: Imagine you had time traveled and brought a man from the colonial times to the present day and showed him only commercials. What would he think about what people today ate? He would probably think we Americans only ate burgers, pizza, and pie. Truth is, we eat a lot more than just the foods listed above. People enjoy multiple cuisines these days, most notably Italian, Mexican, and Asian cuisines. This book will take you to 12 separate tables, each of which has a food and/or culture associated with it. It will show you foods from thousands of years ago to the present day and retell the histories attached to the foundation of the cuisine/product in America. The names of those people who decided to boldly introduce people to something new are showcased in this book. No one taste or flavor profile defines the melting pot of America. This book will tell the story of the many separate “Americas” that formed the U.S.A. as we know it, “bite by bite”.

Likes: I liked this book since it was about history, which is my favorite subject. It does an excellent job of telling people about the many foods that people enjoy that helped form the way we eat, today, in the U.S.

Recommendations: I recommend this book to ages 9 and up since the book isn’t to hard to follow and has an easier plot than most other books I have read. Any history buff or foodie should read this book.

Rating: 5/5

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