

A vast variety of kids’ books, reviewed by a kid. Hopefully you will find my reviews useful!

I chose to start a blog of my own because I am an avid reader. Reading is my hobby and my favorite past time. My parents encouraged me to share my views with my friends and all fellow readers to help them choose the right books. Parents too can take advantage of my blog and pick the right books that a kid has reviewed! I have read books on various topics like history, mythology, gaming, fiction, and non-fiction events, biographies and more.

I won’t share details of my daily life, as I have school and being a kid this can be a huge distraction! I’ll mostly review books and occasional funny stuff when I find time. Read with me!

Latest from the Blog

Bite By Bite: American History Through Feasts, Foods and Side Dishes

Plot: Imagine you had time traveled and brought a man from the colonial times to the present day and showed him only commercials. What would he think about what people today ate? He would probably think we Americans only ate burgers, pizza, and pie. Truth is, we eat a lot more than just the foods…

They Called Themselves The K.K.K: The Birth of An American Terrorist Group

Plot:The period after the American Civil War was almost as volatile as the war itself. Newly freed slaves would try to use their civil rights, only to be harassed and persecuted by scared and angry whites, including police, democrats, former confederate soldiers, and former slave owners. Six of these angry young men would form a…

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